Revolutionizing Restaurant Order Pickup Efficiency with Kitchen Armor & Curbit

2 Minutes Read

Speed, convenience, and accuracy in food delivery are paramount, so the restaurant industry must constantly adapt to meet consumer demands.

A glimpse into how two pioneering companies, Kitchen Armor and Curbit, are addressing these challenges was shared during a recent episode of the Morning Sam, Morning Ralph podcast. The episode featured host Paul Molinari and his guests Scott Siegel, co-founder and CRO of Curbit, Paul Amestoy, co-founder and chief strategist at Kitchen Armor, and Brent Sides, VP of sales at Kitchen Armor.

A Revolution in Restaurant Operations

The conversation began with a hearty welcome from Paul Molinari. He described the podcast's mission of bringing together companies that tackle problems from different angles, setting the stage for a discussion on improving restaurant operations.

Scott Siegel quickly outlined Curbit's role in the industry. As a capacity management solution provider, Curbit ensures that digital orders are processed at optimal times, guaranteeing that customers receive their food fresh and promptly. This system integrates closely with Kitchen Armor's kitchen operation solutions, which streamline processes and enhance efficiency.

Kitchen Armor's Strategic Approach

Paul Amestoy detailed how Kitchen Armor focuses on kitchen operations, partnering with software vendors and manufacturing hardware to improve labor savings, food quality, and the customer handoff experience. He emphasized the importance of finding emerging technologies to automate processes, a perfect segue to discuss Curbit’s capabilities.

The Consumer’s Journey

Molinari then presented a real-world scenario to illustrate the consumer's expectations during a food delivery journey. Scott Siegel dove into how Curbit addresses these expectations by connecting digital ordering channels to kitchen environments. Curbit's system dynamically updates quote times based on real-time kitchen data, ensuring that customers receive their orders at the precise moment they are ready.

Connective Tissue Between Curbit and Kitchen Armor

Paul Amestoy elaborated on the partnership between Kitchen Armor and Curbit. He highlighted how Curbit’s systems look at touchpoints within the kitchen to generate accurate time estimates and communicate these to customers via SMS. This digital hospitality mirrors traditional in-house customer service, providing transparency and enhancing the customer experience.

Communication is Key

Scott Siegel emphasized that Curbit's value lies in communication—both with the customer and within the kitchen. By integrating with digital ordering providers, Curbit updates order times dynamically and sends real-time updates to customers, managing their expectations and ensuring satisfaction.

Transforming the Kitchen Environment

Brent Sides added perspective on how Kitchen Armor's hardware is designed to withstand the harsh kitchen environment, decreasing points of failure and increasing reliability. This resilient hardware, coupled with Curbit’s intelligent systems, ensures that orders are managed efficiently and delivered at their peak quality.

2The Flanigan's Case Study

A highlight of the discussion was how these technologies transformed operations for Flanigan's, a restaurant that faced significant challenges during COVID-19. Integrating Kitchen Armor’s and Curbit’s solutions resulted in an 85% improvement in order accuracy and efficiency for takeout, and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction for in-house dining, demonstrating the real-world impact of these innovations.

Success Metrics and Integration

The podcast also touched on success metrics such as timing accuracy and guest satisfaction, key indicators of the system's effectiveness. Brent Sides and Paul Amestoy discussed the importance of understanding a restaurant's specific needs and existing tech stack to deploy the right combination of solutions, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance.

What's Next...

The conversation underscored the importance of technology in elevating the consumer’s dining experience. Kitchen Armor and Curbit are at the forefront of this revolution, offering solutions that not only meet but exceed customer expectations in the rapidly evolving landscape of restaurant operations.

For more information on how Kitchen Armor and Curbit can transform your restaurant operations, visit their websites at and, respectively.

This enlightening discussion is a must-listen for anyone in the restaurant industry looking to enhance their operation's efficiency and customer satisfaction. Don't miss out on future episodes of the Morning Sam, Morning Ralph podcast for more insights from industry leaders.