Accurate Order Promise Times Make All the Difference With Customers

2 Minutes Read

How can data solve the chaos of online ordering? For Curbit, it was a journey of trial and error during the pandemic. 

The explosion of online ordering, particularly during the pandemic, has brought to light significant inefficiencies in the current system. Delays, cold food, and confusion are just a few of the issues plaguing both businesses and customers. Scott Siegel, Curbit CRO, and Michael Beck of Popcorn GTM recently discussed these challenges and the solutions that data can offer in managing kitchen capacity and the pickup experience.

Understanding the Problem

Scott Siegel explains, "That's what set us off on this journey to get to where we are today to really understand kitchen capacity to inform the pickup experience and ultimately ensure not only curbside users, but all users that are ordering off-premise or picking up on time and not creating the chaos that we see in the line."

The chaos isn’t limited to curbside pick-up; it’s a problem affecting the entire ecosystem of off-premise orders. The pandemic exacerbated these issues, causing an almost seismic shift in business models. Michael Beck points out, "The pandemic really caused a big shift, almost seismically, in what you're planning on doing, right? The volumes have increased on the different channels and I had to react."

The Morning Sam, Morning Ralph Podcast—watch the full episode.

The Business Model Challenge

According to Siegel, the old business models simply don't hold up under the new demand conditions. “Exactly. Yeah, the business model was flawed. So if you're going from just a handful of digital orders today, it's very predictable, but when you all of a sudden send 10, 15, or 20 curbside pickup orders at once, if those aren't guided by accurate promise times, you've got chaos. You've got the problem that every single person that's watching or listening today has experienced. Either you're ordering online and you're picking up food that's been sitting on a shelf and it's cold and soggy, or you're arriving and waiting longer than promised, and it becomes a very frustrating experience."

Data as the Solution

So, what's the solution? Data. By leveraging accurate data about kitchen capacity and demand, businesses can provide accurate promise times to customers, reducing wait times and ensuring that food is fresh upon pick-up.

Not only does data help in predicting and managing peak times, but it also streamlines the entire process, creating a smoother, more efficient operation that benefits both the business and the customer. Accurate data can translate into happier customers, more efficient staff, and ultimately, a more profitable business.

Next up...

As online ordering becomes increasingly prevalent, the flaws in old business models are becoming glaringly apparent. However, by understanding and leveraging data, businesses can turn chaos into opportunity. The insights provided by Scott Siegel and Michael Beck underscore the critical role that data plays in modernizing the customer experience and meeting the demands of today’s off-premise dining consumers.

Data is no longer just a tool for optimization; it is the cornerstone for creating an efficient, customer-friendly, and sustainable online ordering system. It’s time businesses embrace this change to meet the evolving needs of their customers.  Reach out to us to learn more.