The Rising Trouble with Third-Party Delivery Batched Orders

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A new study reveals that Third-Party Delivery batching hurts restaurant operations and the customer experience

As a provider of kitchen capacity management solutions for restaurants, the findings from the recent Intouch Insight report on third-party delivery practices are particularly relevant for Curbit's restaurant partners.

The study revealed that the common tactic of bundling multiple orders into a single delivery trip by providers like DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Grubhub is negatively impacting restaurant operations and the customer experience.

Restaurant kitchen with many take out bags and meals packaged for takeout deliveryHere is a summary of the key points from the article:

A new report from researcher Intouch Insight found that the practice of third-party delivery providers bundling multiple orders into a single trip can lead to slower delivery times and hurt customer satisfaction.

  • The study showed that 12% of orders were delivered by a courier who made other stops along the way. These batched deliveries took over 42 minutes on average, more than 13 minutes longer than direct deliveries.
  • Batched deliveries were also more likely to result in food that was not the correct temperature, with only 77% of batched orders having the right temperature compared to 95% for non-batched orders.
  • Overall customer satisfaction was 10 points lower (79%) for batched deliveries compared to direct deliveries (89%).
  • The frequency of batching varied by delivery service, with 19% of Uber Eats orders, 12% of DoorDash orders, and 5% of Grubhub orders being batched.
  • Restaurants have limited ability to opt out of being included in batched deliveries, which can negatively impact their brand and reputation.
While delivery services claim batching helps keep prices down and improve reliability, the report suggests it is not working well for customer satisfaction.

These issues pose significant challenges for restaurants trying to maintain quality and efficiency in their operations. Delays and temperature issues can seriously undermine the guest experience and reflect poorly on the restaurant brand.

As the report notes, restaurants have little control over whether their orders get bundled into batched deliveries. This makes it all the more crucial for them to have the right systems and data in place to optimize their own kitchen performance.

That's where Curbit comes in. Our AI-driven platform uses predictive ticket times and real-time order flow analytics to help restaurants fine-tune their kitchen output and minimize the impact of third-party delivery challenges.

By achieving greater efficiency and control over their own operations, our restaurant partners are better equipped to deliver a consistently excellent customer experience - no matter what's happening on the delivery side.

To learn more about how Curbit can help your restaurant navigate the complexities of third-party delivery, reach out to our team today.