Title: Smashburger Launches Curbit’s Order Throttling Software
Publish Date: 11/26/23
Originally published on QSRMagazine.com
Curbit’s revolutionary solution addresses restaurants’ long-standing challenge – synchronizing online order “promise times” with real-time kitchen capacity. Curbit dynamically adjusts order promise times through continuous real-time analysis based on actual kitchen capabilities. This pioneering approach minimizes guest wait times and maximizes kitchen output without overburdening kitchen teams.
An integral feature of Curbit’s offering is its seamless integration with Kitchen Display Systems and Online Ordering Systems, forming a closed loop between the ordering and fulfillment process. Utilizing advanced AI, these real-time integrations facilitate dynamic order throttling, kitchen intelligence, and automated guest communication, narrowing the gap between estimated and actual ticket times.
📗 Read the full article: https://www.qsrmagazine.com/news/smashburger-launches-curbits-order-throttling-software/